James Deane Formula Drift @ Pallas Karting Galway Ireland
Добавлено 15k Просмотры / 0 НравитсяWatch James Deane the 2017 Formula Drift Champion put his machine throughs its paces at Pallas Karting, Galway, Ireland. Pallas Karting & Pallas Paintball. Go Karting, Paintball, Drifting, Rally Testing, Karting Testing. All based around Europe's Largest
Jay Rockett Drift Karting - NKC Feb 2015
Добавлено 16.5k Просмотры / 0 НравитсяJay Rockett & Emmet Redden Drift Karting at the National Kart Centre - Corbally on Feb 2015
K1 Karting | Drift Karts And Intense Racing
Добавлено 14k Просмотры / 0 НравитсяMy buddy "dirtyhands" took me down to K1 Karting in Parker, Colorado to try out the electric karts and do some drift karting. The drift karts are not easy to drift, they drift nothing like a real car, and you have to drive extremely shallow in order to no
Добавлено 15.8k Просмотры / 0 НравитсяIn a rare case of a slow day of work at OGP we had a little fun with a set of tires and some Go Pro's. Enjoy.
Karting 270cc Mondercange - Pure Fun !! (Drift HD Ghost)
Добавлено 12.9k Просмотры / 0 НравитсяBonjour tout le monde !! J'espère que vous allez bien, on se retrouve aujurd'hui pour une nouvelle vidéo sur Laissez un pouce vert et commentez si ça vous a plus !! N'hésitez pas à partager la vidéo pour nous faire connaître et abonnez-vous pour suivre me
Karting Cabañas Raras Drift Trike Pivaracing
Добавлено 15.4k Просмотры / 0 НравитсяVideo de Adry Alvarez
Karting Ceuti Drift, Donuts 360, Slowmotion (J. Gómez)
Добавлено 13k Просмотры / 0 НравитсяKarting Ceutí trompos, donuts 360, drift y los mejores derrapes, kart F400 por J. Gómez.